
Category: Articles


Category: Articles

Mobile Messaging: The Growing Customer Service Channel You Might Be Missing

In 2016, The Guardian published a statistic that alarmed customer-centric companies everywhere: while 75 percent of UK adults owned smartphones, a full quarter of them never, ever used them for phone calls. If your customers aren’t willing to pick up the phone when they have a problem, how can you help them? Slowly, over email? […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Get No-Shows Under Control With These Pre-Tour Emails

Tired of dealing with no-shows? Rezgo makes it easy to take one of the biggest steps in keeping your customers’ attention: sending reminder emails before their booked tour or activity. If you’re going to schedule automated notification emails and SMSes in the hours, days and weeks leading up to an event, one big question remains: […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Guests Want to Bring Drones on Your Tours. Now What?

For as long as we’ve had photography, some travelers have made the pictures they take home a priority. Drones now allow those travelers to take their trip photos to literal new heights, and who could blame them? After all, why bother with selfies when you can wow the folks at home with shots like this […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Raise Your Tour Marketing to New Heights With Drone Footage

When investing in footage for tourism marketing, you want shots that wow. Today, some of the most beautiful footage in the world comes from drones. They can get places even helicopters can’t, bringing spectacular birds-eye views, impossible trips into caves and wilderness – even underwater exploration. Just look at this gorgeous footage of Papua New […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

How To Protect Your Tour Company from Chargebacks

Is your tour and activities company struggling with chargebacks? If so, you’re not alone. Everyone who does business online deals with chargebacks from time to time, and customers are becoming increasingly bold about seeking chargebacks for fraudulent reasons. When a customer goes to their bank or credit card provider for a chargeback rather than seeking […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

5 Simple Ways to Build Trust Online

Online bookings are increasingly the main way customers connect with tour and activity providers, but booking online does require trust. Here’s how you can build trust into every part of your company’s online presence. 1. Request online reviews A whopping 84 percent of people trust online reviews as much as recommendations from their friends. The single […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

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