
Category: Articles


Category: Articles

How Online Bookings Make Last-Minute Guests a Breeze

If you ever read consumer travel advice, you’ve probably seen the advice to book last-minute come up again and again. The constant repetition of that mantra works: over 40 percent of U.S travelers now use their smartphones to place bookings while they’re already travelling (Criteo, 2016). Last minute bookings are a double edged sword for […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

6 Ways Online Booking Software Can Make Your Life Easier (Aside from Online Bookings)

You already know online bookings can make last-minute guests a breeze to handle, but that’s not the only way online booking software can make your life easier — even if you never want to take a single booking direct from customers on the web. Availability and Pricing Centralized availability tracking is mandatory if you’re taking […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Five Steps for Recruiting the Best Tour Guides

Hiring can be a nerve-wracking experience. First, you need to find people that want to work for your tour company. Then, often with nothing more than a resume, cover letter, and a short conversation, you need to decide which candidates will be the best fit for what could be years to come. Make sure the […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Nine Traits To Look For When Hiring Tour Guides

You have the perfect job posting, you’ve reached out to all the right places, and you have a list of prospective tour guides to interview. What now? Work experience, education, references and other “hard skills” will only tell you so much about a new hire, and instinct only takes you so far. Here are nine […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

The Do’s and Don’ts of Data-Driven Email Marketing

In email marketing, segmentation is key. Segmentation is the art of dividing your contact lists into groups, and the only limits are your imagination — and the data you have available. Every piece of customer data you gather can be used to create stronger email campaigns if you find the right angle. A customer’s location, […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Build Better Email Campaigns by Leveraging Guest Data

When you plan to build better email campaigns, do you plan for segments based on guest data? If not, you’re missing a great opportunity. Segmented campaigns are opened almost 15 percent more than non-segmented campaigns, and garner over double the clicks. Using what you know about your customers can make a big difference. Data overload […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

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