Category: Tourism Trends
Category: Tourism Trends
Guests Want to Bring Drones on Your Tours. Now What?
For as long as we’ve had photography, some travelers have made the pictures they take home a priority. Drones now allow those travelers to take their trip photos to literal new heights, and who could blame them? After all, why bother with selfies when you can wow the folks at home with shots like this […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
Raise Your Tour Marketing to New Heights With Drone Footage
When investing in footage for tourism marketing, you want shots that wow. Today, some of the most beautiful footage in the world comes from drones. They can get places even helicopters can’t, bringing spectacular birds-eye views, impossible trips into caves and wilderness – even underwater exploration. Just look at this gorgeous footage of Papua New […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
5 Common Scams to Watch Out For
Want to brush up on your scam awareness? Here are some common scams that affect tour providers around the world. 1. ‘Friendly’ Fraud There’s nothing friendly about “friendly fraud.” Customers have gotten savvier to what their credit card providers will let them get away with in recent years, and they’re taking advantage at record rates. […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
Four Reasons to Be Cautious About Cryptocurrencies
Is cryptocurrency FOMO getting hard to bear? Are you sure you’re missing out on millions in bookings because you don’t accept Bitcoin? Before you jump into the complicated world of digital currency, take a moment to consider what’s best for your tour and activities company. Cryptocurrency has potential, but it isn’t without its flaws. Here […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains and Travel (Oh My!)
For decades, businesses have relied on a few global standards for payments: credit cards, cash, checks and, occasionally, bank transfers of various types. That’s what we had in the analog age, and that’s what we’ve used in the digital age. Until recently. Over the past few years, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have emerged as new contenders […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
Five Small Ways to Combat Overtourism
Overtourism is a growing problem in many destinations, with locals and tourists going to war for the rights to space and resources. While it’s a systemic problem that will require systemic change before it begins to improve, there are ways to limit its impact on your own community and tour company. Establish yourself in the local […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell