
Category: Video


Category: Video

A Better Guest Experience for Tours: Interview With Kelsey Tonner

On this episode of Let's Talk Tourism, we sit down with Kelsey Tonner, an expert in guest experience and founder of Guest Focus, for simple, step-by-step strategies that can elevate your interactions with guests to new heights.
Written By | Rezgo

Learn How Guest Photos Can Improve Your Tour Guest Experience in this Webinar

Guest photos are a powerful way to remind guests of your amazing tours and activities and share their experiences with their friends and family. Learn more in this webinar.
Written By | Rezgo

Diversify Your Tourism Sales Mix With Tips From Our Webinar

Learn how to strengthen your tourism sales mix in this webinar. Reduce your tour company's exposure to risk, diversify your revenue streams, and expand into multiple sales channels.
Written By | Rezgo

Online Marketing & SEO for Tours and Activities: Interview With Phil Caines

Want to reach more customers online? SEO, paid advertising and online marketing can help. Let's Talk Tourism sits down with Phil Caines from 1UP Digital Marketing for an in-depth look at the best ways tour and activity companies can reach their audiences with advertising, marketing and SEO.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Increasing Bookings in the New Tourism Landscape: Interview With Meredith Rangel

Bookable Tourism's Meredith Rangel sat down for a video interview to discuss key steps tour operators can take to help their tourism companies adapt to the post-pandemic landscape.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

What is Rezgo?

Rezgo is an online booking system with no monthly fees. With easy ticketing, online payments and more, Rezgo lets you focus on the parts of the job that you love. Sell more than ever before with our easy-to-use system, and start taking online bookings today!
Written By | Rezgo

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Video Testimonial

Discover how online booking became the number 1 sales channel for Phare Circus, in Cambodia

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Joing Rezgo’s live sessions to master your booking software

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