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Blog Articles

How the Tourism Industry Is Tackling Corporate Social Responsibility

When a new wave of poaching hit the Serengeti, tour operators knew they had to react. The annual wildebeest migration through the Serengeti in Tanzani to the Masai Mara in Kenya is a huge boon for the tourism industry in the area–an industry which employs 11 percent of the country’s labor force on its own. […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Minimize No-Shows With Six Simple Techniques

No matter how well you plan your tours and activities, there will always be factors out of your control — and we’re not just talking about the weather. As much as we love and rely on them, guests can also be the biggest headache in the business, particularly when they don’t bother to show up. […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

How to Choose the Right Mobile Messaging Platform for Your Tour Company

Considering offering customer support through a messaging app like Messenger or WhatsApp? Wondering where to start? Unlike the decision to adopt a new social media platform, which might require a lot of careful considerations about your tour and activity company’s strengths, your choice of messaging platform should put one consideration above all: location, location, location. […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Exclusive Opportunity: 7-Figure Tour Business Workshop

Is your tour company ready to take the next step to success on your path to becoming a 7-figure business?
Written By | Rezgo

Mobile Messaging: The Growing Customer Service Channel You Might Be Missing

In 2016, The Guardian published a statistic that alarmed customer-centric companies everywhere: while 75 percent of UK adults owned smartphones, a full quarter of them never, ever used them for phone calls. If your customers aren’t willing to pick up the phone when they have a problem, how can you help them? Slowly, over email? […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Get No-Shows Under Control With These Pre-Tour Emails

Tired of dealing with no-shows? Rezgo makes it easy to take one of the biggest steps in keeping your customers’ attention: sending reminder emails before their booked tour or activity. If you’re going to schedule automated notification emails and SMSes in the hours, days and weeks leading up to an event, one big question remains: […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

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