Blog Articles
Why The Mental Health Benefits of Travel Are Worth Marketing
After a historic dip, Americans are starting to take vacations again. In a time of global uncertainty, that’s a trend we want to encourage. If the prospect of amazing tours and activities in a wide, fascinating world isn’t enough to nudge those vacationers to explore, it might be time to remind everyone why the mental […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
How to Win the Hearts of Nervous Guests and Anxious Travelers
If the experiences you offer aren’t the thrilling, extreme sorts of adventures, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about nervous guests. After all, what is there to be afraid of in an average city tour or stand-up paddleboard class? For anxious or nervous travelers, the answer could be “everything.” Nervous travelers cite worries about […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
The Five Building Blocks of Your Tour Company’s Story
Does your company have a story? Of course it does. So do you know how to tell it? Creating your company’s story will transform your marketing, and it will transform how you relate to your customers, business partners, and other stakeholders. We have a natural affinity for narratives (scientifically speaking), and we relate to companies […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
Five Ways to Kick Off a Successful Season
Is your busy season just around the corner? For many tour and activity companies, this is a big time of year, and it’s worth preparing for. Don’t let 2018 slip by with missed opportunities and lost chances — kick off an amazing season this very moment. Update your approach Before your high season gets underway, […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
How Augmented Reality Is Taking Over Travel
After almost 30 years of commercial availability, virtual reality is having its moment in the sun. Consumer-level VR devices have marketers and tour industry insiders racing to get the most out of this exciting, immersive tech. But while VR developers explore the possibilities of immersing customers in foreign locales from the comfort of their homes, […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell
7 Simple Ways to Make Your Tour Business More Sustainable
Sustainability is a journey with many steps along the way. To make your tour company truly sustainable, change needs to come at all levels. Evaluating your company’s core values can help. That doesn’t mean there aren’t concrete steps you can take now. Here are seven areas where any tour provider can make a difference, along […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell