As a business that accepts credit cards you stand the risk of having a charge back filed against your merchant account. A charge back is request made by a consumer to the credit card company claiming that they either did not receive the goods for which they paid or they requested a refund which you […]
Online booking system security should be taken very seriously. PCI Compliance stands for “Payment Card Industry” Compliance which are a set of security standards development by the credit card brands (Visa and MasterCard) to protect customer credit card data. You have probably heard in the past about systems being hacked and credit cards numbers being stolen […]
Unlike what you may think, applying for a tourism merchant account is not an overwhelming one. Getting yourself ready to accept credit cards means ensuring that you have certain things in place when you talk to your preferred payment processor. It is a good idea to know what to expect during the application process and […]
There is no doubt that credit cards are a major part of e-commerce. The question is whether or not you should or need a travel and tourism payment solutions for your tour or activity business . There are a number of pros and cons to accepting payment by credit card, whether or not you choose […]
Accepting online bookings doesn’t have to be a complicated or overwhelming process. The Rezgo tour operator software is designed to make it easy for you to start accepting your bookings online. We take care of all the security, hosting, domain name management, and credit card integrations so you can focus on what you love. This 10 […]
Having an online booking engine for your tour and activity is only one piece of the puzzle. In order to increase sales, you need to build trust and make it easy for your customers to booking with you. Here are five simple things you can do now to increase sales of your tour or activity […]